Thank you so much Jim! That was very silly of me not to have the log open to see that occuring...I feel like an idiot for not doing that.
Now that everything is actually sorted correctly, I can proceed to the next step, which is excluding duplicate pieces of data. My goal was to remove the previous iterations of the duplicates, leaving only the most recent entry of the Sample. Say, for example, I have 2 samples both labelled AA-02 at 5AM, while the other was taken at 7AM of the same day (which is recorded in the "Time & Date" column of the table). I want the table to exclude the 5AM entry, but keep the 7AM entry.
Alternatively, the same could occur with 3 samples, say FJ-01 having 3 iterations: One taken at 5AM, one at 7AM, and one at 10AM. Again, the goal is the only keep the 10AM entry, but to exclude the 5AM and 7AM entry. I tried to make a JSL script by first sorting the table by the Sample ID, then by the Date & Time, then using the Select Where command as seen below:
MergedTable<<Sort( By( :Sample ID ), Order( Ascending ));
MergedTable<<Sort(By(:Name("Date & Time")), Order(Ascending));
MergedTable<<Select Where(:Sample ID == :Sample ID[Row()+1]);
MergedTable<<hide and exclude;
However, no selection occurs, and the log unfortunately doesn't seem to mention any errors. Is there something wrong with my selection criteria that would make it not select?