what is the best way to trigger JSL when I select a data point in Graph Builder?
e.g. to update parts of the Dashboard based on the current selection
There is the Row State Handler.
But this is a property of the data table. So the JSL code will even be triggered after the Dashboard got closed.
So, I would have to take care to remove it afterwards.
I noticed that a Filter Change Handler of a Local Data Filter can act as a row state handler - it will even trigger when the mouse touches a data point.
"Cool" - is this feature "as designed". It seems to be still available in Jmp18 - but I could imagine that it gets disabled at some later point in time:
Improve JMP's state handlers (hover label, row state handler, filter state handler, scheduler, ...)
New window("test", Data Filter Context Box(
V List box(tb = Text Box ("hello"),
H list Box(
ldf = dt << data filter(local),
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ), Overlay( :sex ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 1 ) )) )
f = Function( {a}, Print( tb << set text(Char(i++)) ) );
rs = ldf << Make Filter Change Handler( f );