You can get this interactively; I pasted the script together from the captured bits in the log window.
right-click the surface to get to various settings
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
dt:age << Set Modeling Type( "Continuous" );
// Save Columns: Prediction Formula
Local( {obj},
obj = dt << Fit Model(
Y( :height ),
Effects( :age, :weight, :age * :age, :age * :weight, :weight * :weight ),
Personality( "Standard Least Squares" ),
Emphasis( "Effect Leverage" ),
:height << {Summary of Fit( 1 ), Analysis of Variance( 1 ), Parameter Estimates( 1 ), Scaled Estimates( 0 ),
Plot Actual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Regression( 0 ), Plot Residual by Predicted( 1 ), Plot Studentized Residuals( 0 ),
Plot Effect Leverage( 1 ), Plot Residual by Normal Quantiles( 0 ), Box Cox Y Transformation( 0 )}
obj << Prediction Formula;
obj << Close Window;
// Launch platform: Surface Plot
dt << Surface Plot(
Columns( :Pred Formula height, :height, :weight, :age ),
Datapoints Choice( "Points" ),
Surface Color Theme( "Green to Black to Red"(1) ),
Surface Color Theme2( "Green to White to Red"(1) ),
Surface Color Theme3( "White to Black"(1) ),
Surface Color Theme4( "Blue to Gray to Red"(1) ),
Surface Gradient Type( "Discrete Gradients" ),
Response Column Color Theme( "Blue to Green to Red"(1) ),
Response Column Color Theme2( "Blue to Gray to Orange"(1) ),
Response Column Color Theme3( "Spectral"(1) ),
Response Column Color Theme4( "Jet"(1) ),
Formula( "Pred Formula height" ),
Response( :height ),
Equation( "", "", "", "" ),
Surface Color Method( :Pred Formula height, "Solid", "Solid", "Solid" ),
SetVariableAxis( :weight, Axis Data( {} ) ),
SetVariableAxis( :age, Axis Data( {} ) ),
SetZAxis( :Pred Formula height, Current Value( 61.1938701849204 ) ),
SetXVariable( :age ),
SetYVariable( :weight ),
Iso Value( 0, 62.7178599852511 ),
Iso Value( 1, 60.8 ),
Iso Value( 2, 60.8 ),
Iso Value( 3, 60.8 ),
Set Graph Size( 857, 648 ),
Set Rotation( -67.6102735250083, -0.17489981039149, -124.30542455474 ),
Set Line Scale( 0.2207 ),
Set Text Scale( 1.2122 ),
Set Marker Quality( 0.622 ),
Set Marker Scale( 2.1524 )