Hi All,
I have some production data that I'm analyzing with the MDMVCC platform. Specifically, after running the analysis and selecting those rows that have the most extreme T^2 values -- those which are likely the most out of control -- I can use the platform to plot the T^2 Mean Contribution Portion Plot for Selected Samples. This produces a graph that looks something like this:
What this graph represents is the mean contribution to the T^2 value from the different factors (Variable) on the x-axis for the samples that have been selected. Each bar corresponds to a single Variable (factor).
I can repeat this analysis for several different production phases throughout the year to see how these factors might come and go, increase/decrease, or simply change their relative importance for out of control events during the different phases. For example, the above graph is the result for phase 1. The below graph is the result for phase 2.
You'll just have to trust me that the Variables on the x-axis are different -- I can't show what they actually are. It's this kind of change that I'm trying to figure out what the best visualization is to share with others that summarizes how the factors influencing the T^2 change from phase to phase, as this might help production figure out what's going on with their process.
I can gather all the data together -- e.g. which phase, what the mean contribution is for a given factor, and what the factor is into a separate data table. What I'd like to know from the JMP collective is, how might you present the data? Below are a couple of examples that I've come up with, but I'm not particularly satisfied with them -- they're just too busy and don't really convey well the message I'd like to get across. The second graph is maybe a bit better. What are you're thoughts, which one do you like better (if you even prefer one of these!)? Would you graph it differently? If so, how?
Here's an example of what the collected data table looks like (censored because of sensitive info).
And here are a couple graph ideas I have in mind (I'm not fond of either, just hoping to get some thoughts on more visually appealing ways to display the data for others).
This graph shows the Mean T^2 Contribution on Y, Factor on X, and Phase on Group X. This kind of graph shows how each factor is contributing within a Phase, but it's harder to see how a particular factor changes from Phase to Phase (Phase 1 is older, Phase 10 is newer).
This graph is similar, but has swapped the X axis and Group X, so Phase is now on the X axis and Factor for Group X. This graph shows a little better the concept that I want -- how do the factors change with each Phase (as time goes on), but it's still busy and I think could be better.
So, what are your thoughts? How might you go about displaying this kind of data? What/how would you do different?
Looking forward to hearing people's ideas and thoughts!