The only trick is that a String Col Edit Box contains a list of values, not just a single string.
In this example, I changed the table part of the script to get the number of items in the String Col Edit Box and add that many rows to the table, and to use Set Values with that string. I also added a context menu to the Table Box that lets you add a row or delete the last row, in case the number of strings can vary. You could get fancier and get input to add multiple rows or delete particular rows. When you're creating the table, you could also cull the empty string from empty rows in the String Col Edit Box, if you wanted to. I didn't code that part.
User_Input = New Window( "Socket Lot Data Scripting tool",
//Text Box( "Enter Lot Num:" ),
tb = Table Box(
a = String Col Edit Box( "Enter Lot Num:", { "Write something", "", "", "" } ),
<< Set Context Menu Script(
{ "Add Row", tb<<Add Row({""}),
"Delete Last Row", tb<<Delete Row( N Items(a<<Get) )
Button Box( "Pull Lot",
Function( {this}, {bs, strs},
strs = a << get;
/* could remove empty strings here before making your table */
bs = dt = New Table( "Untitled 9",
Add Rows( N Items(strs) ),
New Column( "Zlot", Character, "Nominal", <<Set values( strs ) )