And if your x,y,x,w are numbers, you cannot use them in String Col Box as it is only for strings (convert them to characters first if that is the case or use Number Col Box). You will get error message like
Not a string in access or evaluation of 'String Col Box' , Bad Argument(1), String Col Box/*###*/("names", vals)
Using Transform Each (if you have jmp16+) is easy way to convert those
Names Default To Here(1);
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
mylist = {a, b, c};
valsnum = Eval List(mylist);
valstr = Transform Each({curval}, valsnum, Char(curval));
show(valsnum, valstr);
Also in general, if you have variables inside a list those might not get always evaluated. So you can evaluated them with Eval List()
Names Default To Here(1);
a = "X";
b = "Y";
c = "Z";
mylist = {a, b, c};
vals = Eval List(mylist);
show(mylist, vals);