Love this stuff. But having a problem using JMP to solve a problem that I currently do in Excel.
Picture is attached. I have an analytical measurement of volume % of a given particle size on each row. I need to convert each row into a particle count for some other calculations, so I made a model that assigns a particle count to each particle size, and then let Solver make the model predicted volume % match the analytically measured volume %.
In Excel, I assign a "Model n" count of 100000 units in each row, and calculate the volume of those particles in the row. Then I calculate the total volume at the bottom of the spreadsheet, so I can calculate a model volume % in each row.
Next, I calculate the squared error of the (model - analytical) volume percentage in that row, and sum the squares of the error for the entire model. I have Solver minimize this SSE by changing the number of units in each row. Additionally, I constrain the number of units to be greater than or equal to zero.
It fits relatively quickly, and I save the unit counts in each row for further calculation.
So, I've done non-linear fits with different models before, but never one that required both a fit at the row level and as an overall model level. You can't just fit a row individually, as the volume % changes as the other rows change. I don't quite understand how to feed it a parameter for each row, and then solve all the parameters to fit the model, and finally dump the parameters for each row.
Would love to have help on this one. I've banged my head against the wall for some time, but haven't seen the right solution. I will then be applying this to about 1000 samples afterwards....
Thanks in advance! Fred
