names Default To Here(1);
MyGraph = Function({yCol, xCol, gpx}, {default local},
vars = Eval Expr(Variables(
Group X(Expr(gpx))
pts = Expr(Box Plot(X));
For(j = 1, j <= Min(8, N Items(yCol)), j++,
Insert Into(vars, Eval Expr(Y(Expr(yCol[j]))));
gb = Expr(
Graph Builder(
Size(1255, 981),
Show Control Panel(0),
// Variables section will be inserted here
Elements(Box Plot(X, Y(1), Y(2), Y(3), Y(4), Y(5), Y(6), Y(7), Y(8), Legend(11))),
Local Data Filter(
Add Filter(
columns(:Test Stage, :Sublot, :Temperature, :Soft Bin),
Display(:Test Stage, N Items(4)),
Display(:Soft Bin, N Items(15))
Insert Into(gb, Name Expr(vars));
The code attached is not won't plot the Y - data columns as box plots after the 2nd one, and all the box plots wont share the same Y-axis. I want to make sure that the all the columns are plotted as box plots and share the same Y-axis. The code was working fine for plotting points, is plotting box plots different from plotting the points?