Don't know how to calculate an exact answer, but this seems to iterate to an approximation.
Update, 15feb2019 - this does not work well if there are only two points on the circle, see picture at end.
see slightly better JSL below
Circle shrunk to fit the points
Here's the two point case that is not going to work well:
can't find the center very well with only two points
You could test for that and take the average of those two points when the third nearest point isn't at the radius, but that is getting clumsy and might have more issues. If you need an exact answer, you should look into the wikipedia answer.
might be hard...
This is a little better, but the Welzl algorithm should give exact answers in less time:
points = J( 33, 2, Random normal( 50, 20 ) ); // make 33 random points
nrows = N Rows( points );
kdt = KDTable( points ); // make a nearest row look up table
center = Mean( points[0, 1] ) || Mean( points[0, 2] ); // pick a starting point
radius = 1e99; // make it big enough
fraction = .2; // fractional distance to move the center towards farthest point
For( i = 1, i < 1000, i++, // usually stops around 700
{indexes, distances} = kdt << knearestrows( nrows, center ); // just need farthest point, but get them all
farthest = indexes[nrows]; // last one is far away
howfar = distances[nrows];
If( howfar > radius, // if oscillating, make the fraction smaller
fraction = fraction * .9; // .5 stops the iterations too soon and gives really poor answers for 2-points on circle case
Show( i, fraction );
If( fraction < 1e-15, // good enough
radius = howfar;
// move slightly toward the farthest point
center = center + fraction * (points[farthest, 0] - center);
New Window( "Example",
Graph Box(
Frame Size( 500, 500 ),
X Scale( -30, 130 ),
Y Scale( -30, 130 ),
Marker( Marker State( 3 ), points[0, 2], points[0, 1] );
Pen Color( "Blue" );
Circle( {center[2], center[1]}, radius );
fill Color( "red" );
Pen Color( "red" );
Circle( {center[2], center[1]}, 2.0,"FILL" );
center is closer