Thank you for the explanation. While I agree with sequential investigation, IMHO, it is better to start with a large design space and hopefully interpolate. By this I mean lots of factors at bold levels to start. The issue is inference space. The smaller the inference space, the less likely the results will hold true in the future (when this conditions invariably change). If you only experiment on 2 factors, what are the other factors "doing" during this experiment (e.g., are they changing?, are they constant?). Since you have not quantified nor rank ordered the effect of the 4 factors, why not run a lower resolution 6 factor design with the factors at 2 levels (e.g., 2^6-2 res IV, 16 treatments or 2^6-3 res III, 8 treatments). The next iterations can help to understand more complex model terms (e.g., non-linear). At there same time, you might want to run repeats and estimate the factor effects on both the mean and variation of evaporation rate(or at least minimize measurement error).
In the end, I always suggest you design multiple options (no one knows the "best" design á priori. For each option, predict what you can learn (e.g., what effects can be estimated, which may be confounded and which are not in the study). Weigh this knowledge against the resource requirements. Choose one and prepare to iterate. The purpose of the first experiment is to design a better experiment.
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box