Here is one thought. But I am assuming that the interest is to see (A) how responses are different by job and/or group, AND also (B) how responses change from previous case to next case. If your interest is not that, what I am going to describe may not be proper.
First step, take the subset of all observations whose case = 1. Analyze the subset using logistic regression and try to answer (A) given case = 1.
Second step, take the subset of all observations whose case = 2. Analyze the subset using logistic regression and try to answer (A) given case = 2. Then add the response from case = 1 as a new explanatory variables. Analyze the new subset using logistic regression and try to answer (B) given case = 2, conditioning on the response for case = 1. If the previous response turns out significant, then it tells something out how previous response affects the later one.
So on so forth. As the step moves along, you may need to try adding either only the immediate previous response as explanatory variable, or all previous responses as explanatory variables, and see which matters.