I have a simple script that sends a variable to Python to run an SQL query ( going through JMP directly somehow is very slow, python is fine).
Anyway, the query runs fine but I can't figure out how to make use of the data generated by Python and format it into a JMP table.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've created a move script which generates the string exactly as produced by a working SQL query in Python.
names default to here(1);
clear log();
3713,5500202,P097-17-01,PMI Crt Primate 5048,,,2018-05-11,2017-11-14,BID (twice per day),Y,OECD,2018-09-26,2017-10-20
python init();
python send(data);
python submit(
import pandas as pd
#I can run a SQL query in JMP but for some reasons , the download is very slow and the table to be retrive fairly lage, whereas using Python is very fast so we are trying that option sincethe query is very simple
#in this mock example 'data'is sent to python from JMP but in a real SQL query the data the data is formated as CSV , see below andretrived using python get
#data = df.to_csv(index=False) #retrieve data in csv format
getstr = Python Get( data ); //how to convert a string into a table?
show( getstr);
Python Term();