That helps some, but I still may be misinterpreting your situation (don't know what you are measuring as response variables, don't know the hypotheses about the factor effects, etc.). My thoughts are, it seems to me reactor is not a controllable or a design factor (more likely reactor is noise). What I mean by that is you aren't going to run an experiment with reactor and conclude one reactor is better and select one reactor (as you might when typically experimenting on design factors). Now that doesn't mean you aren't interested how large is the reactor effect, but you really want a solvent solution that is either robust to reactor or recognize it is not and you need a different solvent for each reactor (a reactor-by-solvent interaction so to speak).
Your situation can be handled multiple ways:
1. The factors of toluene, acetone and water are components of a mixture design. You want to find the best solvent makeup and you want to replicate the mixture experiment in both reactors.
2. The reactor is confounded with the block of a RCBD (if so you could possibly treat the block as a fixed OR a random effect)
3. The factors are nested within reactor
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box