Hi @TC3303,
It's difficult to help you without having more information and context about all the factors in your study.
One other suggestion possible (but it may depend on what are your other factors) would be to add a continuous numerical factor "ratio A/B" in the design (instead of one factor for each components A and B), with the other continuous factors, and always keep the total amount of A+B at 100% in the experiments.
This way you'll have 4 factors in total in your design : 3 other continuous factors + 1 continuous factor "ratio A/B".
By specifying quadratic term for this ratio factor, you'll need three levels for this factor, and this may be easy to handle (something like 70/30, 50/50 and 30/70 for example).
This approach would be perhaps interesting to consider in an explorative approach, to better understand the significance of factors (and impact for example of ratio A/B).
I hope this other suggestion may help you,
L'Oréal Data & Analytics
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)