It is unclear which platform you are working in. If you happen to have JMP Pro and are fitting models using generalized regression then one of my favorite JMP13 features is the ability to interactively change the probability threshold and watch my sensitivity and specificity estimates change. But I digress. To explore various cut-offs on a model I might save the model formula to my data table so that I can set up a column with the "model call" (use the formula: score> cut-off to get a column of 0s and 1s) and use that to evaluate model performance (thinking in the diagnostic model world). If you are in the logistic platform and have ROC curves for your models then the ROC Table will provide "2x2" tables for each possible cut-off in your data set. Finally there is an add-in in the file exchange that will calculate a series of performance measures and confidence intervals for diagnostic type models.
https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Add-Ins/Performance-Summary-for-Diagnostic-Tests/ta-p/22524Hopefully something here is helpful to what you are trying to do.