Hi @Scott_Li ,
It is possible. Automation is based on sequential procedure.
JMP17 has workflow function that records you steps.
(although not fully mature, it can help you to draft your automation script using JSL).
Before proceed the task manually, you should turn-on the workflow function first (Click New --> Workflow --> Press the RED button to start recording).
Step 1: Load data (depends on your data location & type of data)
4 groups, 5 data values each, data attached
Step 2: Perform your statistical test
Variance of groups are significantly different. I need to perform pairwise Welch’s t-tests, with G1 as reference in each comparison.
Step 3:
You can import the Analyze result to a table (Then create a table that has group names, means, std errs, lower and upper 95% bounds, and p values of each group).
(p/s: I think RShiny only require few lines compared to JMP in order to perform same analysis. But, it JMP has a cheat-code to learn scripting)