@JMPMODUSER you might want to search the JMP community for similar questions.
I suggest you read the-graph-size-exported-to-pptx-Save-Presentation I like to use a freeware program called P3ICLI. It is described in that link.
Below is a modification of a script written for JSL Companion Applications of the JMP Scripting Language, Second Edition.
This script has 9 distribuions per page, 3 wide and 3 high. It uses the BKM (best known method) using only JMP: using display boxes, create a page, then get the picture to be saved to PPTX. Note there are nested Outline Boxes for tmpic, something currently required to get the outline titles on the bottom right.
I find the need to scale to get what I want. P3ICLI, you do not need to scale, you just create a layout template in Powerpoint, then use JSL to write the P3ICLI commands
Names Default to Here(1);
scaleit = Function( {w, h, fmt}, {wppi, hppi, scl},
wppi = 13 * 96;
hppi = 6.5 * 96;
if(fmt=="Standard", wppi = 9.5 * 96);
scl = Minimum( wppi/w, hppi/h, 1);
dt = open("$sample_data/semiconductor capability.jmp");
cnme = dt << get column names("Continuous", "string");
//use only the first 30;
cnme = cnme[1::30];
pw = 3;
ph = 3;
ppp = pw*ph; //pictures per page
jjrn = New Window("My Journal", << Journal);
for(i=1, i<=nitems(cnme), i++,
if(mod(i,ppp)==1, Try(lub << delete); lub=LineUpBox(ncol(floor(pw))));
dist = dt << Distribution(
Continuous Distribution(Invisible,
Column( cnme[i] ),
Summary Statistics( 0 ),
Horizontal Layout( 1 ),
Vertical( 0 ),
Capability Analysis( 0 )
lub << append(report(dist)[OutlineBox(2)] << clone box);
dist << close window;
//show(i, cnme[i]);
i==ppp, //write the first page with ppp graphs
tmpic = lub <<get picture;
{w,h} = tmpic << get size;
scl = scaleit(w, h, "Wide"); /*show(scl)*/
tmpic << Set Size( evalList({Round(w*scl,0), Round(h*scl,0)} ) );
obpic = OutlineBox("Page 1", OutlineBox("",(PictureBox(tmpic))) );
obpic << Journal;
If(mod(i,ppp)==0 | i==nitems(cnme), //write the next page of ppp
tmpic = lub <<get picture;
k = floor(i/ppp);
{w,h} = tmpic << get size;
scl = scaleit(w, h, "Wide"); /*show(scl)*/
tmpic << Set Size( evalList({Round(w*scl,0), Round(h*scl,0)} ) );
obpic = OutlineBox("Page "|| char(k), OutlineBox("",(PictureBox(tmpic))) );
obpic << journal;
); //end for i
jjrn <<Save Presentation("$TEMP/save6perpage.pptx", Outline Titles("BottomRight"), "PNG");
open ("$TEMP/save6perpage.pptx");
Page 1 of the PowerPoint document