I am trying to save a journal and pdf to a folder after they are created.
First I use pick directory to get the files I want to analyze. When this is done, the files are saving into that directory.
However, I want them to save into a folder with the date.
This is the code I have tried:
Main Menu( "Minimize All" );
path = Pick Directory( "Select a directory" );
Set Default Directory( path );
files = Files In Directory( path );
output = Create Directory( path || Substitute( MDYHMS( Today() ), "/", "-", ":", "." ) || "/" );
It then goes into a for loop to create the graphs
At the end of the for loop you have
jrn <<
SaveJournal( path || files[i] || ".jrn" );
Current Journal() << close window();
report << SavePDF( path || files[i] || ".pdf" );
report << close window();
dt << close window;
org << close window;
For the saved parts, Ive tried path || output|| ... and I've also tried add "/" - none of these seem to work.
For now its saving into the directory as far as path, but I want it to go one step further into output