1. I want to know how to save two graphs into one slide of ppt.
Right now the my script is saving one graph per slide to ppt.
I need to compare two graphs in single slide. Also, i generate like 100 graphs for my data and having 100 slides in ppt makes hard to analyse.
2. how to scale my individuals graphs?
//******************Open Data table***********************//
dt = Open( "$Downloads\Measure - Subset of JA63025.10A_raw_para_Stacked.jmp" );
//************************ Create new Columns to segregate the test names to group and plot graphs ***********************//
dt << New Column( "Test Number (MSB of Label)",
Formula( Num( Substr( :Label, Contains( :Label, ":p" ) - Num( 10 ), Contains( :Label, ":p" ) - Num( 6 ) ) ) )
dt << New Column( "Test Description", Character, Nominal, Formula( Substr( :Label, Contains( :Label, ":NVM_" ) + Num( 5 ), 100 ) ) );
dt << New Column( "NVM Parameter Name",
Formula( Substitute/*###*/(Substr( :Label, Contains( :Label, ":NVM_" ) + Num( 5 ), 100 ), "[1]", "") )
dt << New Column( "Measurements.",
If( 16600 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 16603,
Substitute( :Test Description, "[1]", "_BiasA_Pre_refcell_Erase" ),
If( 16629 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 16632,
Substitute( :Test Description, "[1]", "_BiasA_Post_refcell_Erase" )
dt << New Column( "Measurements..",
Formula( If( 10100 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 10103, Substitute( :Test Description, "[1]", "" ) ) )
dt << New Column( "Measurements...",
If( 10100 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 10103,
If( 16600 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 16603,
If( 16629 <= :Name( "Test Number (MSB of Label)" ) <= 16632,
Substitute( :Test Description, "[1]", "" )
//*******************Plot Variability Charts****************************//
dtsum = Current Data Table();
colnames = dtsum << get column names( character );
Show( colnames );
//nw = New Window( "Plots", myVLB = V List Box() );
New Window( "Graphs",
For( i = 23, i <= N Items( colnames ), i++, // We have change i value based on the column where our modified column to plot graphs starts
gb = Variability Chart(
Y( :Data ),
Y Scale( Left, Right ),
X( Column( colnames[i] ) ),
Analysis Type( "Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)" ),
Vertical Charts( 0 ),
Variability Summary Report( 1 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Mean of Std Dev( 0 ),
Show Box Plots( 1 ),
Mean Diamonds( 1 ),
By( :NVM Parameter Name ),
//myVLB << append( Report( gb ) );
//**********************************Save Script to Data Table ************************//
dt << New script(
For( i = 23, i <= N Items( colnames ), i++, // We have change i value based on the column where our modified column to plot graphs starts
Variability Chart(
Y( :Data ),
Y Scale( Left, Right ),
X( Column( colnames[i] ) ),
Analysis Type( "Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)" ),
Vertical Charts( 0 ),
Variability Summary Report( 1 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Mean of Std Dev( 0 ),
Show Box Plots( 1 ),
Mean Diamonds( 1 ),
By( :NVM Parameter Name ),
//*****************************************EXPORT GRAPHS TO PPT**********************************//
For( i = 23, i <= N Items( colnames ), i++, // We have change i value based on the column where our modified column to plot graphs starts
nn = dt << Variability Chart(
Y( :Data ),
Y Scale( Left, Right ),
X( Column( colnames[i] ) ),
By( :NVM Parameter Name ),
Analysis Type( "Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)" ),
Vertical Charts( 0 ),
Variability Summary Report( 0 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Mean of Std Dev( 0 ),
Show Box Plots( 1 ),
Mean Diamonds( 1 ),
If( i == 23,
nn << Save Presentation( "$Downloads/jmp_example2.pptx" ),
nn << Save Presentation( "$Downloads/jmp_example2.pptx", Append )
Open( "$Downloads/jmp_example2.pptx" );