Hi @chrsmth ,
How about using OC-curve for Hypergeometric / Binomial?
You did not mention the lot size, N.
If N is big, binomial is OK, but if N is small like <1000 maybe you want to use Hypergeometric distribution.
In this case, 95% confidence that it will detect at least 1 defective = Probability of acceptance, Pa=0.05 (in Y-axis of OC curve) because you will accept the sampling when c=0 @ 30% of defective rate (i.e X = 0.3).
During sampling of n sample size, you can detect 1 defective, 2 defective etc.
Usually, I just use Excel to develop OC curve because it's easier for me to understand the reasoning behind the choice of my sample size. But, JMP should be able to simulate that faster. Example as below;
Maybe this research can help: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3099107/v1