Thank you for getting back to me jthi
@jthi . I took a bit of time to play around with the prediction profiler to calculate the shap values on the data table and create a graph. However, I am running into the following problems and wondering if you are able to either give some more insight or share resource that can help answer my questions below:
1) I am evaluating a total of three models, one of them is the boosted tree with smote plus tomek sampling method.
Please see the attached subset of the data (the data is large so I am attaching a subset of it). I ran the shapley values on the prediction profiler, but I did not see the newly calculated shapley values on the data sheet. I also selected to add shapley script to data table, but I did not see it added to the data table. I am wondering if this is possible to do on the boosted tree? I was able to do this on generalized regression but I also didn't have to create the k fold cross validation for the generalized regression, I did need to do that for boosted tree. I assume with shapley values as an option on the boosted tree, I should be able to see the calculated shapley values on the data table. Some insight will be helpful in trying to figure out why I can't see the calculated shapley values on the data table.
2. How do I go about changing the type of graph outputed? For instance, how do I go about changing the type of graph you presented as an output above to dotted graph? What would I select to change from line graph to dotted graph on the right?
In the (video) link that you provided, it shows the outputs for the graphs, but they don't show the steps in how they got to those outputs. I am wondering if you can shed some light on how to go about changing the types of graphs, what would I select? Is it the control panel and then select the different types of graphs? When I do this, it changes the outcome totally. Please see attached for a subset of the data table. You mentioned "You can change the type if wish to (stacked bar chart (default), stacked line chart, stacked area chart all work on some level)," where do I go to change the type of stacked graph from the default bar chart to line chart?
Thank you for taking the time to provide some guidance.
Thank you,