I have a problem with Col List Box. I'd like to restrict the list of columns available to be selected.
I've already restricted it to Numeric and Continuous, but in my application that leaves a very long list.
For that matter, if there is another way that's easier (Column Dialog?), that would be fine too. The documentation seems limited on this. For instance, it shows that a script can be added to the Col List Box() function, but does not have an example, or describe how that would be done.
Using a modified example from the Scripting Index, how would I, for example, remove all column names that start with an N?
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp" );
New Window( "Col List Box Example 3",
H List Box(
ll1 = Col List Box( all,
<< Set Data Type( "Numeric" ),
<< Set Analysis Type( "Continuous" )),
Button Box( "Add", ll2 << append( ll1 << get selected ) ),
ll2 = Col List Box( "numeric", MaxItems( 1 ), nlines( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "Remove", ll2 << remove selected )