the script below generates a window with an image, a script box and a play button.
When I click on play, I get the warning:

I don’t want to save any report – I just want to run the script – without a warning message.
I can disable this message on my computer via the preferences, but another user might want to have this choice.
how can I disable the warning message for my report?
When I click on "Reference", in the future, I can run the script in the Scriptbox without the warning - till I close the window and open a new report. Can I somehow set it once to “Reference” for the report, such that the warning doesn’t show up?
dummyImage = Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/progress.gif", gif );
New Window( "",
V List Box(
Picture Box( dummy Image ),
sb = Script Box( "Caption(\!"hello\!")" ),
Button Box( "play", sb << run() )