The Scripting Index is as close to the Definitive reference for what messages and options are available to a given platform. Looking in the index, one finds that there is not a reference to a "Where" clause being available. So your attempt at including it in your Tablulate platform JSL will not work. A potential solution would be to use a Local Data Filter to do the Where processing, and then set it's visibility to "Collapse" or "Hidden" so it does not interfere with the display.
Concerning your attempt to change the display name of "Identity" to "Phase", once again the Scripting Index provides the reason your JSL does not work.

The Change Item Label only has the current capability of changing the Statistics label. A workaround for this is pretty simple. One can add a new Virtual Transformation column to the Tabulate Dialog Box. Declare it a Formula and then set the formula for the new column to be
Then rename the new Transform column "Phase" and use it in the definition of your Tablulate table, as I have done in the simple example below

In this case, I used the column Age as you would use Identity
Here is the JSL that my simple example creates
Change Item Label( Statistics( Mean, "zippy" ) ),
Remove Column Label( Analysis Columns( height ) ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Add Table(
Column Table( Analysis Columns( :height ), Statistics( Mean ) ),
Row Table(
Grouping Columns(
Transform Column( "Phase", Ordinal, Formula( :age ) )