Are there any pre-existing functions in JMP for some of the regressions performed by Fit Y by X or the Fit Curve platforms?
For most of my code, when I want the parameters for a 3P or 2nd Order polynomial, etc. I will call the platform in JMP with a BY variable and then 'make combined data table'. However, the one downside is that JMP "needs" to render the graphics in order to grab the data table...
Well, with larger data, the BY variable is far too large and JMP either dies, runs out of RAM or has other issues when trying to do this operation (one of my larger sets has a BY variable with about 40k unique values).
One 'fix' would be to just remove the by, and call the platform in a FOR loop for each of the data sets separately. I am not sure that would be faster or not ... Ideally, I could create a single matrix or series of matricies and quickly get parameters for each set of data. This could be coded into a JSL layer function, but if functions exist in JMP, the overhead would be better controlled ...
To summarize:
1) Does JMP have any existing functions that can calculate parameter coefficients for anything beyond basic linear regression
2) If not, are there better ways to accomplish my goals within current JMP platforms?
3) Are there JSL functions people have made which can do various regressions and return the coefficients