Below is a script that works on your sample data table, creating all of the Pools you want. Please take the time to study the script so you can make any modifications you may need to adjust it to it's final form
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
// Set the size of the pools
poolSize = 8;
thePoolNumber = 0;
// Add row number to data table
dt << New Column( "__Row__", Set Each Value( Row() ) );
// Create a working data table
dt2 = dt << subset(
selected rows( 0 ),
columns( {"Gender", "Ethnicity", "Age", "__Row__"} ),
output table( "Working" )
// Create start of final data table
dt2 << select rows( 1 );
dtPool = dt2 << subset( selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ), output table( "Final" ) );
dtPool << select rows( 1 );
dtPool << delete rows;
dtPool << New Column( "Pool Number" );
thePoolNumber = 0;
// Create data pools
While( N Rows( dt2 ) >= poolSize,
// Draw a new sample
dtTemp = dt2 << Subset(
Sample Size( poolSize ),
Selected columns only( 0 ),
Stratify( :Gender, :Ethnicity, :Age )
// Calculate the new pool numbers
dtPoolCount = dtTemp << Summary(
Group( :Gender, :Ethnicity, :Age ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
Link to original data table( 0 )
// Get the current pool number
maxPool = Col Max( dtPool:Pool Number );
If( Is Missing( maxPool ),
maxPool = 0
// Add Pool Number to Pool Count table
dtPoolCount << New Column( "Pool Number", set each value( maxPool + Row() ) );
dtPoolCount << delete columns( N Rows );
// Set the current pool number in the current sample table
dtTemp = dtTemp << Update(
With( dtPoolCount ),
Match Columns( :Gender = :Gender, :Ethnicity = :Ethnicity, :Age = :Age )
// Add the sample to the dtPool table
dtPool = dtPool << concatenate( dtTemp, append to first table( 1 ) );
// Delete the selected rows from the working table
dt2 = dt2 << Update( With( dtTemp ), Match Columns( :__row__ = :__row__ ) );
dt2 << select where( Is Missing( :Pool Number ) == 0 );
dt2 << delete rows;
dt2 << delete columns( :Pool Number );
// Cleanup temporary tables
Close( dtTemp, nosave );
Close( dtPoolCount, nosave );
If( N Rows( dt2 ) > 0,
// Calculate the new pool numbers
dtPoolCount = dt2 << Summary(
Group( :Gender, :Ethnicity, :Age ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
Link to original data table( 0 )
// Get the current pool number
maxPool = Col Max( dtPool:Pool Number );
If( Is Missing( maxPool ),
maxPool = 0
// Add Pool Number to Pool Count table
dtPoolCount << New Column( "Pool Number", set each value( maxPool + Row() ) );
dtPoolCount << delete columns( N Rows );
// Set the current pool number in the current sample table
dt2 = dt2 << Update(
With( dtPoolCount ),
Match Columns( :Gender = :Gender, :Ethnicity = :Ethnicity, :Age = :Age )
// Add the sample to the dtPool table
dtPool = dtPool << concatenate( dt2, append to first table( 1 ) );
// Clean up
Close( dtPoolCount, nosave );
// Add the Pool Number to the original data table
dt << Update( With( dtPool ), Match Columns( :__Row__ = :__Row__ ) );
// Delete the Working data table and the Pool Count data table
Close( dt2, nosave );
Close( dtPool, nosave );