Hi there,
I am new to JMP so am hoping you can help!
My experiment was a randomised complete block 2 x 2 factorial design with two levels of supplementary additives. A total of 480 individuals were blocked into pens of 5 (pen acts as the experimental unit, not individual), and pens within a replicate were alloacted to one of the 4 dietary treatments. I had 24 replicates in total, but the experiment was conducted over two batches, the first 240 individuals (12 reps) in february and the second batch of 240 indivudals (12 reps) in April. I therefore need to account block for rep and account for batch.
I just want to check i am doing the ANOVA correctly, in the 'construct model effects' box i have my two factors, their interaction, Batch and rep, is this correct? However, when i do this batch looses its DF (as in the picture) so im not sure what to do?
I also need to add a covariate for start weight for some of the analysis, does this also go in the 'construct model effects' box or should continous covariates go in another box?