Here is an example script that uses table variables as input to a Random Normal Mixture formula:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = New Table( "Example" );
mv = [-3, 3];
sv = [1, 1];
pv = [.3, .7];
// All table variables are actually character strings
// so the matrices need to be saved as literals
dt << New Table Variable( "meanvec", Char( mv ) );
dt << New Table Variable( "sdvec", Char( sv ) );
dt << New Table Variable( "probvec", Char( pv ) );
dt << New Column( "Rand NM",
set formula( Random Normal Mixture(
Parse( dt:meanvec ),
Parse( dt:sdvec ),
Parse( dt:probvec ) ) )
dt << add rows( 1000 );