How can this form of circular download be modified to parallel download?
The original code was to download the data in the same format on different dates, and merge it into the first table on each download.
Now can you download it side-by-side as Multi HTTP Request of JMP17, but finally merge it into a data table
urls = {};
j = 1;
dt = Current Data Table();
m = 0;
For( j = 1, j <= N Row( dt ), j++,
a = Char( dt[j, "date"] );
u = "http://dd.gubit.xx/longhubang/?t=-1&date=" || a || "&page=1";
Insert Into( urls, u );
requests = New Multi HTTP Request();
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( urls ), i++,
d1 = Open( urls[i], HTML Table( 1, Column Names( 1 ), Data Starts( 2 ) ) );
requests << Add( d1 );//??
http_requests = requests << Get Requests();