Below is a script that generates a table simulating data for 15 questions, three for each of 5 topics and 20 respondents. I have no idea how your data is organized. Thsi table has 300 rows (20 x 5 x 3), identifier columns (Respondent, Question ID, Gender, Topic, Pre and Post).
So that the pre/post bars can be side-by-side, the data needs to be stacked, in other words, Pre/Post is a label for each response.
Below is one display/example display. The script to generate some data, stack the data, then create this graph is below the picture.
Names Default to Here(1);
//Simulate a table of survey responses 20 respondents 15 questions: 3 questions per topic and 5 topics
//Gender is a respondent group, Topic is a question group
//responses are the Likert Scale
dt = New Table("Survey",
New Column("Respondent", Character, Nominal),
New Column ("Gender", Character, Nominal),
New Column("Question ID", Character, Ordinal),
New Column("Topic", Character, Nominal),
New Column("Pre", Ordinal),
New Column("Post", Ordinal)
dt << add rows(300);
dt:Pre << Value Labels(
{1 = "Strongly Disagree", 2 = "Disagree", 3 = "Neutral", 4 = "Agree",
5 = "Strongly Agree"}
dt:Post << Value Labels(
{1 = "Strongly Disagree", 2 = "Disagree", 3 = "Neutral", 4 = "Agree",
5 = "Strongly Agree"}
dt:Respondent << Set Each Value( Right("00" || Char(Sequence(1,20,1,15)),3) );
dt:Question ID << Set Each Value("Q" || Right("0"||char(Sequence(1,15,1,1)),2));
tlist = {"Food", "Technology", "Environment", "Energy", "Education" };
dt:Topic << Set Each Value( tlist[Sequence(1,5,1,3)]);
dt:Pre << Set Each Value(Random Integer(1,5));
//create some interest
dt:Post << Set Each Value(If(:Gender=="F" & :Pre==5, 5,
:Gender=="F", :Pre + 1,
:Gender=="M" & :Pre==1, 1,
:Gender=="M", :Pre -1
dt:Topic << Set Property("Value Ordering",
{"Food", "Technology", "Environment", "Energy", "Education"}
//Step2: Stack the table - the label for the data will be Pre and Post and as an Overlay variable for
//GraphBuilder the bars will be side by side
dt_stck= dt << Stack(
columns( :Pre, :Post ),
Source Label Column( "Label" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Data" ), Output Table Name("Stacked Pre Post Survey")
//Make sure Pre is ordered before Post
dt_stck:Label << Set Property("Value Ordering", {"Pre", "Post"});
gb = dt_stck << Graph Builder( // draw graph
Size( 881, 707 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Graph Spacing( 6 ),
Variables( X( :Data ), Wrap( :Question ID ), Overlay( :Label ) ),
Bar( X, Legend( 13 ), Summary Statistic( "N" ), Label( "Label by Value" ) )
{Min( 0 ), Max( 12.5 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 0 ),
Label Row( Show Major Grid( 1 ) )}
{Legend Model(
Properties( 0, {Fill Color( -10592673 )}, Item ID( "Pre", 1 ) ),
{Fill Color( 37 ), Fill Pattern( "left slant heavy b" )},
Item ID( "Post", 1 )