p3icli is not a JMP product. It was written to enable lthe user to load many pictures into a Powerpoint presentation. The p3icli documentation includes an example JMP script since many JMP users use this product. To use this product:
- install p3icli
- you must create a powperpoint template, the p3icli documentation explains how.
- you write text commands, p3icli commands, on how to load already created pictures.
Note there is a GUI P3I, but is not as customizable as p3icli.
Since this is not a JMP product, this is not the proper forum for a full discussion. I will take this offline. I attached is a JSL script that documents where to get a JMP example and the template. It tests if the program and template are available, then uses JSL to create graphs and to create the p3icli script and run it.
Template on the left, result using slide #2 of the template on the right.
template with 2 different layouts
results page that uses template slide #2