1. The center of the wafer is determined by calculating the ranges of the X and Y coordinates (i.e., the maximum minus the minimum values). The initial estimates for the center are computed as:
- CenterXCoord = xcoordmin + xcoordrange / 4
- CenterYCoord = ycoordmin + ycoordrange / 4
The code then iteratively adjusts these coordinates by dividing the coordinate range by 1.8 in each iteration until the X and Y centering conditions are met. The final center is found when the centering formulas for both axes
2. The radius is calculated from the wafer center to either the enter of the die "RadiusDieCenter" or the edge of the die "RadiusDieEdge"
3. Only the center of the die needs to belong within the calculated radii. The radius calculations focus on the distance from the wafer center to the center of each die.