I am not sure if this matches your scenario, but I had a similar problem a few years ago. On a file server, a new directory was created each day, and that folder contained the files for that day. The problem was that the time was not consistent. The time of the folder (directory) name was the datetime when the first file for that day arrived. Hence, the specific time was not known.
The simplest JSL command was to use folders = Files in Directory( "path") and do not use recurse. Then use JSL to search the folder that started with or contained today's date. That worked perfectly, however, the server had "bazillions" of folders and the performance was pretty slow. I work with a Windows operation system, so I used Run Program with the cmd.exe to run a custom dir command. For example, this MS Dir command
dir /a:d /o:-d c:\temp\jsl*
would return all folders (/a:d all directories) listed from most recent to oldest (/o:-d order reverse date) that exist in my c:\temp directory whose folder name starts with jsl. So I could use the current day's date to narrow the list.
For my "bazillion" folder problem, the directory name strucure I had to search for was like 20180524*something_somethingelse. because there were times a backup would restart the folder build, sometimes I would get 2 and very rarely 3 values in my list. But because it is reverse order, the first item in my list was the target folder.
In my script, once I got the target folder, then I would use Files In Directory (), now that I had the directory with the specific, unknown, varying time, and process each file and create a report, all remotely (in batch).
If you are on a Mac, I can only offer Jim's suggestion which is terrific. For each file, in the list returned by Files inDirectory() search for those that contain today's date and if more than one, get the creation date and find the latest one.
If you are using Windows, and if you are dealing with a performance issue, here is a script that shows how to get all folders in your JMP install directory. [Note for something as simple as this example, Files in Directory() is the best solution.]
// Get the full path for the JMP Install Directory
jmpDir = Convert File Path( "$JMP_Home", Windows );
Show( jmpDir );
// Build the DOS "dir" command
// dir /-C /T:C /S "C:\Program Files\SAS\JMPPRO\13\Samples\Data\*.J*" > c:\temp\dirOut_rp.txt
// --- DOS requires quoted file paths if the path includes spaces Program Files has a space
//this has no output file and /b only the directory name is returned
cmd_txt ="\[/c dir /a:d /b /-c /o:-d "]\"
|| jmpDir //will replace it with the full path of your installed JMP directory
||"\[* ]\";
show(cmd_txt ); //see the log file
//results returned as text
rpobj = RunProgram(Executable("CMD.EXE" ),
if(length(rpobj) >0, dirList= words(rpobj,"\!N") );
{"ExcelProfiler", "imagemaps", "Tip of the Day", "Help", "Resources", "pptx",
"Flash", "Documentation", "tkext", "Scoring", "Samples", "Web", "Maps"}
//alternate command to return information to a file
outDir = "c:\temp\dirOut_rp.txt";
cmd_txt ="\[/c dir /a:d /b /-c /o:-d "]\"
|| jmpDir //will replace it with the full path of your installed Sample Data directory
|| "\[*" > ]\"
|| outDir;
show(cmd_txt ); //see the log file
t0 = Today();
rpobj = RunProgram(Executable("CMD.EXE" ),
//--- ReadFunction is reading statements from the OS, it reads until the program quits.
// This command suspends subsequent JSL until executable has completed the tasks.
//==== Show results=============================================================================
// A couple of "checks" that you may employ here if the file does not does not exist or if it is older than expected
If( !File Exists( outDir ) | (Creation Date( outDir ) - t0 > 10),
Caption( "There was a problem with the dir command, it did not run. Aborting..." );
Wait( 4 );
Caption( Remove );
// Open the results file as text stored in column 1
dir_dt = Open(
columns( Name( "Dir results" ) = Character ),
Import Settings(
End Of Line( CRLF ),
End Of Field( CRLF ), // ensures only 1 column
Strip Quotes( 1 ),
Use Apostrophe as Quotation Mark( 1 ),
Scan Whole File( 1 ),
Treat empty columns as numeric( 0 ),
Labels( 0 ),
Data Starts( 1 ),
Lines To Read( All ),
Year Rule( "10-90" )