Hi, I'm trying to reference back to the user input as the name filter for the MFI in my script but when I run the script it seems to run the MFI portion first before opening up the user input window. Can someone help advise what went wrong? Appreciate!
Names Default To Here(1);
win = New Window( "Set the Value",
H List Box( Text Box( "Set this value" ), num_edit_box1 = Text Edit Box( "lot" ) ),
H List Box(
Button Box( "OK",
//store results in jsl variables
num_input = num_edit_box1 << get text();
//close the window
//wait until you've unloaded the input boxes before you closing
//or else they'll be gone
win << close window;
//now do whatever work you want with the inputs
Show( num_input );
Print( num_input );
//a cancel button that closes the window and doesn't store store the results
Button Box( "Cancel", win << close window )
Multiple File Import(
<<Set Folder( "C:XXXX" ),
<<Set Name Filter( "num_input.csv" ),
<<Set Name Enable( 1 ),
<<Set Size Filter( {14753758, 16813862} ),
<<Set Size Enable( 0 ),