Hi @frankderuyck,
I finally had the chance to read the paper and try to reproduce the same design (or at least having a similar design using the same methodology), following these steps:
- Start by creating a table with 40 batches and 6 continuous numerical properties measured on these batches (file "Batch_Covariate_table"). These 6 properties will be used as covariates in the design.
- Use the Custom Design platform, enter the mixture factors and ranges, add the covariate factors from the previous table and change their "Changes" property as "Hard" as mentioned in the paper to have a split-plot design structure type.
- Change the optimality criterion to "I-Optimal" and specify the number of starts (10 instead of 1000 in the publication to save some time, but careful if you want to generate it again, design generation lasted approximately 1h on my computer (around 5min/random start) !).
- Enter the linear constraints as mentioned in the paper :
{-0.6 * :Potato flakes + 0.4 * :Wheat starch + 0.4 * :Parboiled rice flour + 0.4 *
:Extruded rice flour + 0.4 * :Corn flour <= 0, -0.3 * :Potato flakes + 0.7 *
:Wheat starch + -0.3 * :Parboiled rice flour + -0.3 * :Extruded rice flour + -0.3 *
:Corn flour <= 0, -0.5 * :Potato flakes + -0.5 * :Wheat starch + 0.5 *
:Parboiled rice flour + -0.5 * :Extruded rice flour + -0.5 * :Corn flour <= 0, -0.5
* :Potato flakes + -0.5 * :Wheat starch + -0.5 * :Parboiled rice flour + 0.5 *
:Extruded rice flour + -0.5 * :Corn flour <= 0, -0.5 * :Potato flakes + -0.5 *
:Wheat starch + -0.5 * :Parboiled rice flour + -0.5 * :Extruded rice flour + 0.5 *
:Corn flour <= 0}
- Specify the model, with mixture main effects, 2-mixture factors interactions, quadratic non-mixture effects, and 2-non-mixture factors interactions (estimability set as "If Possible" for these last terms).
- Set the number of whole plots to 40 (same number as the number of batches/covariates runs available) and number of runs to 256.
- Make design !
As I wasn't able to had access tu supplementary materials, I'm not sure this is the same design they obtained. If I have taken into accounts all their requirements and specifications of the design, it should however be similar to the one they obtained. If you have access to the 256-runs table (and supplementary materials), you can compare the designs.
I would be interested to have it as well to check I didn't forget something when setting up the DoE
From what I understand in the design, the goal with the covariates here is to determine fixed effects of batch properties on the responses (fixed effects terms), as well as the influence of batch variability on the responses variance (whole plot random effect, and consideration of the 40 batches as a representative sample from a larger population).
Interesting design !
I hope this complementary answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)