Is it possible to minimize the Home Window in JMP 9 via a script? I have an assortment of windows that have been positioned very conveniently around the screen by an application I'm working on, and I'd like to ensure that the Home Window - wherever it is - is automatically minimized while they're being used, and then automatically restored it to its original position once the application terminates. I note that if I list all the open windows using the little script below, the Home Window isn't one of them - so I can't get at it that way. Is there another way?
// Create a couple of windows;
nw1 = new window("Something", textbox("whatever"));
nw2 = new window("Something Else", buttonbox("Press this button"));
// (I've actually got four windows now, including this script window and the log);
nwin = nItems(window());
for(i=1, i<=nwin, i++, show(window(i-1) << get window title));
Many thanks