Okay, I tried something similar where I sent my open tables to a list:
Before this code, I have code where *txt files are opened (I could have up to 30+ files) and converted into a JMP data table (thus output of up to 30+ tables). I am then trying to merge all these tables into one table however, some files may contain duplicate information that needs to be deleted out - I found I can do this using the Join table property. So per the code below. I successfully get 1 table = MT, and the others are in a list = OTs. I want to join each OTs from the list and join it to MT so I get:
MT+OT(1) = MergedTable, then MergedTable+OT(2) = MergedTable2, then MergedTable2+OT(3) = MergedTable3, etc until I get one master table containing all the data (and the others are closed)
openDT = List();
For (f = 1, f <= N Table(), f++,
Insert Into(open DT, Data Table(f)););
MT = DataTable(1);
Close(Data Table(1), nosave);
OTs = List();
For(g = 1, g<= N Items(openDT) -1, g++,
Insert Into (OTs, DataTable(g));
Close All (DataTables, nosave);
For( h = 1, h <= N Items(OTs), h++,
MT << Join(With(ST),
By Matching Columns(:Column_1 = :Column_1),
Drop multiples(1,0),
Name("Include non-matches")(1, 1),
Preserve main table order(1),
Output Table("Merged")););
When I run the script - everything works fine up until the Join command where I get the following error
"Send Expects Scriptable Object{169} in access or evaluation of 'Send',"
For( h = 1, h <= N Items( OTs ), h++,
MT << /*###*/Join(
By Matching Columns(:Column_1 = :Column_1 ),
Drop multiples(1, 0 ),
Name("Include non-matches" )(1, 1),
Preserve main table order(1 ),
Output Table("Merged" ))/*###*/;
Help? I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why this isn't working