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Problems with JMP finding R

Super User (Alumni)
I confirmed my "R_HOME" environment variable is set to my most recent R version.
Get Environment Variable("R_HOME")

"C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\"

I've also confirmed the InstallPath from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R-core\R also points to C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\ just as a backup.

But I still get this error when I try to initialize the connection to R.
R Init( );

An installed version of R could not be found.

Appreciate any guidance.
Level V

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

My R_HOME variable does not have the trailing "\".

You might try that simple fix. More complicated is that the latest R release "R 2-12.2" just came out in Feb. 2011 - well after JMP v9.01. If something changed on the R side, directory structure, etc. it becomes a more complicated fix. One solution is to fall back to a tested (with JMP) version of R, but perhaps someone has a simple fix.

I am a big fan of the JMP R connection functionality - great stuff.

Super User (Alumni)

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

Tried removing the trailing \ but get the same error.
The Scripting Guide mentions
JMP 9 has been verified to operate correctly with R 2.9.1 and later.

R Init( );

An installed version of R could not be found.

Get Environment Variable("R_HOME")
Get Environment Variable("R_HOME")

"C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2"

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

I try to connect R 2.12 and later verion but I can't connect R.

I change R 2.11.1. It is good

Best Regards,
Super User (Alumni)

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

Thanks clark,
I changed to 2.11.1 and it is now working for me as well.
I wondered what aspect of 2.12 broke the integration... and wonder if 2.13.0 will have similar problems.

Thanks, Landon
Super User (Alumni)

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

MattF already mentioned... but I just realized in 2.12.0 and beyond that Rgui.exe and R.dll are found in a \bin\i386 or \bin\x64
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\bin\i386
and not in
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.11.1\bin

See the windows release notes at:

As a small hack I just copied all the files in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\bin\i386
to C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\bin\ and JMP is now able to connect to 2.12.2.

Level V

Re: Problems with JMP finding R


When you get it up & running be sure and see a few nice SGF 2001 papers on JMP & R integration.
Level I

Re: Problems with JMP finding R


I am also having trouble with JMP finding R.  I tried the following:

  • I ran RSetReg.exe in the \bin\x64\ folder.  No luck.
  • I then copied all files in R\R-2.15.2\bin\x64\ folder to R\R-2.15.2\bin\, and re-run RSetReg.exe.  No luck.

I am using:

  • JMP10
  • R-2.15.2
  • Both JMP and R are 64 bit versions.

Any ideas?



Super User (Alumni) ms
Super User (Alumni)

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

The problem may be related to this JMP knowledge base post: 47268 - JMP® might not work with R 2.15 version

Level I

Re: Problems with JMP finding R

Hi MS,

Thanks for the suggestion, but still no luck.

R-2.15.2 is my only installation of R.  But, I uninstalled and re-installed R anyway, just to check.  I also re-ran RSetReg.exe.  No luck.  Do you have other ideas?  My JMP log is below.


Get Environment Variable( "R_HOME" );




R Init();

R Submit( "

x <- 1:5


" );

R Term();


An installation of R cannot be found on this system. JMP R support requires R version 2.9.1 or higher in access or evaluation of 'Glue' , R Init();

R Submit( "

x <- 1:5


" );

R Term();

In the following script, error marked by /*###*/

R Init(); /*###*/R Submit( "

x <- 1:5


" ); /*###*/R Term() /*###*/;