You have 2 questions: is this fair? and do you favor one over another?
Regarding fair, memory management is all up to the language provider. Keep in mind tables have more methods than matrices. I would have phrased your first questions as, "Is this change in preformance between 1 million and 10 million expected?" Also, I am just guessing that after 1 million rows, JMP might be doing some storage compression, in other words saving memory, the trade-off being time.
What I favor depends upon the task. If I am doing a simulation, where a method is applied numerous times and I am getting summary performance, then I'll use a matrix. Prior to JMP 13 which has better subtable referencing, if I had large tables, I would work with matrices then set the values to the table specifically for performance, and I would never use formulas for large tables.
I have attached a script that appends to your script a third method that uses the JMP 13 subtable referencing syntax. The snippet below is the syntax for the Add column. [This site would not allow me to post the attachment, so go to the end to see the fill script.]
dt1[0, "Add"] = dt1[0,"Random-1"]+ dt1[0,"Random-2"] ;
Note since you are interested in performance, try this,
tb1 = TickSeconds();
Mat_1 = Random Index(10^8,10^a);
te1 = TickSeconds();
tb2 = TickSeconds();
Mat_2 = Round (J(10^a, 1, Random Uniform(10^8) )*10^8,0);
te2 = TickSeconds();
show(te1-tb1, te2-tb2);
For a<7, the second method is far superior to method 1.
a = 6: te1 - tb1 = 2.43333333334886; te2 - tb2 = 0.25; //second mehod superior
a = 7: te1 - tb1 = 2.48333333339542; te2 - tb2 = 2.56666666665114; //both methods the same
a = 8: te1 - tb1 = 3.03333333344199; te2 - tb2 = 25.8166666666511; //second method much worse
And like you when there is a big difference, I send a note to JMP as an FYI.
For people running the script beware it is closing all tables, etc. Run in a new session of JMP.
Clear Log(); Clear Globals(); Close All(DataTables,"No Save");
// Inputs
a = 7;
// Approach 1
TimerStart_1 = Tick Seconds();
dt1 = New Table("Approach-1","Invisible");
dt1 << New Column("Random-1",Numeric,Continuous,<< Set Values(Random Index(10^8,10^a)))
<< New Column("Random-2",Numeric,Continuous,<< Set Values(Random Index(10^8,10^a)))
<< New Column("Add",Numeric,Continuous,Formula(:Name("Random-1")+:Name("Random-2")))
<< New Column("Subtract",Numeric,Continuous,Formula(:Name("Random-1")-:Name("Random-2")))
<< New Column("Multiply",Numeric,Continuous,Formula(:Name("Random-1")*:Name("Random-2")))
<< New Column("Mod",Numeric,Continuous,Formula(Mod(:Name("Random-1"),:Name("Random-2"))));
TimerEnd_1 = Tick Seconds();
Show(TimerEnd_1 - TimerStart_1);
Close All(DataTables,"No Save");
// Approach 2
TimerStart_2 = Tick Seconds();
Mat_1 = Random Index(10^8,10^a);
Mat_2 = Random Index(10^8,10^a);
Add = Mat_1 + Mat_2 ;
Difference = Mat_1 - Mat_2 ;
Prod =E Mult (Mat_1,Mat_2);
Mod = Mod(Mat_1,Mat_2);
TimerEnd_2 = Tick Seconds();
Show(TimerEnd_2 - TimerStart_2);
// Approach 3
TimerStart_3 = Tick Seconds();
dt1 = New Table("Approach-3","Invisible", add rows(10^a),
New Column("Random-1",Numeric,Continuous ),
New Column("Random-2",Numeric,Continuous ),
New Column("Add",Numeric,Continuous ),
New Column("Subtract",Numeric,Continuous ),
New Column("Multiply",Numeric,Continuous ),
New Column("Mod",Numeric,Continuous)
// Column(dt1, "Random-1") << Set Values( Random Index(10^8,10^a) );
// Column(dt1, "Random-2") << Set Values( Random Index(10^8,10^a) );
// Column(dt1, "Add") << Set Values( dt1[0,"Random-1"]+ dt1[0,"Random-2"] );
// Column(dt1, "Subtract") << Set Values( dt1[0,"Random-1"]- dt1[0,"Random-2"] );
// Column(dt1, "Multiply") << Set Values( dt1[0,"Random-1"]:* dt1[0,"Random-2"] );
// Column(dt1, "Mod") << Set Values( Mod(dt1[0,"Random-1"], dt1[0,"Random-2"]) );
dt1[0,"Random-1"] = Random Index(10^8,10^a) ;
dt1[0,"Random-2"] = Random Index(10^8,10^a) ;
dt1[0, "Add"] = dt1[0,"Random-1"]+ dt1[0,"Random-2"] ;
dt1[0, "Subtract"] = dt1[0,"Random-1"]- dt1[0,"Random-2"] ;
dt1[0, "Multiply"] = dt1[0,"Random-1"]:* dt1[0,"Random-2"] ;
dt1[0, "Mod"] = Mod(dt1[0,"Random-1"], dt1[0,"Random-2"] );
TimerEnd_3 = Tick Seconds();
Show(TimerEnd_3 - TimerStart_3);
Close All(DataTables,"No Save");