Ref: Set MAp Role via script - JMP User Community
I'm trying to set column ref.COLUMN1, column properties map role based on another data table. I can import and link the correctly in the Map name data table of ref.COLUMN1, properties for MAP ROLE. But the "SHAPE DEFINTION COLUMN" property of the map role is not getting populated correctly with ref.column1.
dt:ref.COLUMN1<<Set Property("Map Role", Map Role ("Shape Name Use" ("C:\Users\map_role jmp scripts\"), "ref.column1"));
I'm using jmp15 and can verify the ref.column1 exists in this data table with the exact same name and also visible from the dropdown menu in the shape definition column of the column properties after running the script, but just doesn't get populated through the JSL.
Any suggestions on the correct syntax for the JMP15 ?