// Loop across the split data table and read the values for that column from the dt_limits_copy data table. Populate the Spec Limits and Control Limits
For(i = 1, i <= N Cols(dtsplitcopy), i++,
limrow = Try((pIDlimits_copy << get rows where(pIDlimits_copy:labelny == cols[i]))[1], .);
If(Is Missing(limRow) == 0,
specs = {LSL(.), USL(.), Target(.), Show Limits(1)};
specs["LSL"] = pIDlimits_copy:Lower Limit Value[limrow];
specs["USL"] = pIDlimits_copy:Upper Limit value[limrow];
Column(dtsplitcopy, Char(cols[i])) << set property("spec limits", Eval(specs));
controllimits = {Individual Measurement(Avg(a), LCL(b), UCL(c))};
// If lower limit is missing it is set to mean - (UCL - mean) = 2*mean - UCL as this will fix issues with zones otherwise being wrong if set to missing
Substitute Into(controllimits,
If(Is Missing(pIDlimits_copy:Lower_Control_Limit[limrow]),
2 * pIDlimits_copy:Mean_Plot[limrow] - pIDlimits_copy:Upper_Control_Limit[limrow],
); // this is done to get correct zones
Substitute Into(controllimits, Expr(c), pIDlimits_copy:Upper_Control_Limit[limrow]);
Substitute Into(controllimits, Expr(a), pIDlimits_copy:Mean_Plot[limrow]);
Column(dtsplitcopy, Char(cols[i])) << set property("control limits", Eval(controllimits));
// These notes are added so that later we can choose to hide the "artificial lower limits" which is only included for the zones to be correct
Column(dtsplitcopy, Char(cols[i])) << set property(
If(Is Missing(pIDlimits_copy:Lower_Control_Limit[limrow]),
"Only one limit",
"Two limits"
dtsplitcopy << sort(by(Date), Replace Table);
n_vars = N Items(cols);
// Create window for a control chart for all parameters of a given product from a given site
NW = New Window(sitename || " " || prod_ID || " Report",
For(v = 38, v <= n_vars, v += 1, //changed from column 37 to 38 to avoid 'Date' being printet as well.
tmp = :column(v) << get property("notes");
Control Chart Builder(
Show Two Shewhart Charts(0),
Show Control Panel(0),
Include Missing Categories(0),
Name("AIAG (Ppk) Labeling")(1),
Limits(Show Lower Limit(tmp == "Two limits"), Sigma("Moving Range"), Zones(1)),
Warnings(Test 1(0), Test 5(1), Test Beyond Limits(1))
vlb = V List Box(ob = Outline Box("Cpk estimates and print of data"));
What should I add to my script ?