JMP uses 64 bit floating point to represent the JSL numbers; the number of fraction bits available is only 52 or 53. If you multiply two 32 bit integers, you might need 64 bits to represent the answer. If the answer is greater than 52 or 53 bits, you'll lose precision on the low order bits...maybe as many as 11 or 12 bits can be lost.
Here's some JSL that might help.
// crude unsigned hex multiply, poorly tested, no idea what negative numbers are
// do your own testing to make sure this meets your needs
// expects upper case hex ABCDEF, not abcdef
hextonum = [
numtohex = Associative Array( hextonum << getvalues, hextonum << getkeys );
hexmultiply = Function( {a, b}, // "123AE" and "EF012" for example
{// locals
ia, na=length(a),amat = J( na, 1, 0 ), ib,nb=length(b), bmat = J( nb, 1, 0 ),ir,nr=na+nb,result = J( nr+1, 1, 0 ),r="", carry,remainder},
a = Reverse( a );
For( ia = 1, ia <= na, ia++,
amat[ia] = hextonum[Substr( a, ia, 1 )]
b = Reverse( b );
For( ib = 1, ib <= nb, ib++,
bmat[ib] = hextonum[Substr( b, ib, 1 )]
for(ib=1,ib<=nb,ib+=1, // this inner loop might speed up by replacing it with matrix math
result[ia+ib-1] += amat[ia]*bmat[ib];
for(ir=1,ir<=nr,ir++, // do the carry. doing it last is fast, but places some sort of a limit on the total length
remainder = mod(result[ir],16);
carry = floor(result[ir]/16);
result[ir] = remainder;
result[ir+1] += carry;
r = numtohex[result[ir]] || r; // build hex result
r // return value
// example hexmultiply
show( hextonumber(hexmultiply("AE2","3B75")));
show( hextonumber("AE2")*hextonumber("3B75"));
// test code...
start = tickseconds();
For( num1 = 0, num1 < 2e9, num1 = Floor( num1 * 1.07 + 1 ),
For( num2 = 0, num2 < 2e9, num2 = Floor( num2 * 1.05 + 1 ),
If( num1 * num2 > 2 ^ 53,
Continue(); // because double multiply gets wrong answer
t1 = hexmultiply( Hex( num1, "integer" ), Hex( num2, "integer" ) );
If( Hex To Number( Substr( t1, 2 ) ) != num1 * num2,
Show( num1, num2, t1, Hex To Number( Substr( t1, 2 ) ), num1 * num2 )
// long promises here...this is not a meaningful test...
show( hexmultiply("00123456789ABCDEF0","00200000000000000000000000000000000000"));