All the advice from @Victor_G is sound. I also think it is hard to give a full answer without understanding more about what you have done. Screenshots are good but attaching some illustrative data as a .jmp table is much more helpful.
I think I know what you mean by asking if the centre points are biasing the lack-of-fit statistic. The 18 CPs will have a strong influence on the calculation of pure error, which is used in the lack of fit test. If the error variance at the centre of the design is not representative of the error variance across the design as a whole (you might be able to think of reasons why this would be the case) then the centre points will be biasing the lack of fit test, at least to some degree. This is one of the reasons why some people prefer not to use centre points. However, it is also entirely possible that the centre point repeats are representative of the error across the whole factor space.
Are the triplicates really independent runs? That is, did you completely reset factors between the first and second of each triplicate, and between the second and third of each triplicate? Or is each triplicate just 3 repeated measures from the same preparation sample? If they are not truly independent runs, that would also affect the validity of the model and the lack of fit test, unless you add a random effect term for "preparation".
You should also consider that your lack of fit test could be completely valid and what that means. The lack of fit does not tell you whether your model is wrong or right ("all models are wrong"). Please don't just use lack of fit significance as a tick box exercise. Consider what it really means. Consider the size of the error terms and question whether that fits with your experience of the system. If lack of fit is "significant", is it actually important - it might not be.
If you think that the lack of fit is valid and important then you might want to look to add higher order terms to your model. I can't see your design, so I don't know what models will be possible to estimate. But you might want to test cubic (X1*X1*X1) and/or partial cubic (X1*X1*X2) terms in your model.
I hope this helps.