I've been working on this problem for two days now reviewing entries in this discussion group, going through the scripting guide, etc. but I still can figure out what is wrong.
I am trying to use a variable to reference a column. From script rows 65-75 (right before For Each Row), I am trying all sorts of ways to use Expr and Eval and Name Expr and As Column, etc. to make this work. The current script in shows just the most recent iteration.
Depending on the value of aggOption, I want the Agg Minute (Option 1) column to fill in one of three different ways. If you substitute the actual column name :"Agg Minute (Option 1)"n in place of Eval( colName3), it works as intended. However, no matter what combination of Eval, Expr, etc I use in either defining the variable or evaluating the variable, I either get the following error message...

... OR the script executes without error but the column is not filled in.
So it seems the left side of the assignment is not being interpreted as a column name.
I'm sure this must be some simple misunderstanding on my part as to either how Eval and Expr works or how the Choose function works. But I can't seem to figure out what it is.
Does anyone have insight into what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks as always.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// SETUP: Create Raw Data Table
Try( Close( "Interpolated Data"));
Try( Close( "Test rt"));
rt = New Table( "Test rt",
Add Rows( 5 ),
New Column( "Timestamp", Continuous, Format( "m/d/y h:m", 19 ), set values( [3742070400, 3742070880, 3742071360, 3742071840, 3742072320] ) ),
New Column( "Data", set values( [899.084, 897.387, 898.518, 897.575, 897.387] ) )
t1 = column( rt,1) << Get Name;
t2 = column( rt,2) << Get Name;
timeCol = Parse(":" || t1);
dataCol = Parse(":" || t2);
Print( timeCol);
Print( dataCol);
rtRows = N Rows( rt );
startTime = rt:Timestamp[1];
endTime = rt:Timestamp[rtRows];
minDuration = (endTime - startTime) / 60;
dt = New Table( "Interpolated Data Temp" );
dt << New Column( "Timestamp", Format( "m/d/y h:m", 19 ), Set Display Width( 250 ) );
dt << Add Rows( minDuration );
For Each Row( dt, :Timestamp[] = Sequence( startTime, endTime, 60 ) );
dt << Join(
With( rt ),
Suppress formula evaluation( 0 ),
Select( :Timestamp ),
SelectWith( Name Expr(dataCol)),
By Matching Columns( :Timestamp = :Timestamp ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 0 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 ),
Output Table( "Interpolated Data" )
dt2 = Data Table( "Interpolated Data" );
Close( dt, NoSave );
Close( rt, NoSave );
// These are the columns that will define which minutes are included in each quadrant and how the quadrant will be labled.
// The choice of how the columns will be filled depends on the Option chosen above.
// **************************************************************************
aggOption = 1;
colName1 = "Agg Minute (Option " || char(aggOption) || ")";
colName2 = "Agg Quadrant (Option " || char(aggOption) || ")";
Print( colName1);
Print( ColName2);
colName3 = Name Expr(":" || colName1);
colName4 = Name Expr(":" || colName2);
Print( colName3);
Print( colName4);
New Column(colName1, Numeric, "Ordinal", Format("Best", 12), Set Display Width(116)); // To Do: Add chosen agg option to column name
New Column(colName2, Numeric, "Ordinal", Format("Best", 12), Set Display Width(116)); // To Do: Add chosen agg option to column name
For Each Row(dt2,
Eval(colName3) = Choose(aggOption, // Substituting an actual column name (:"Agg Minute (Option 1)"n works)
Minute(:Timestamp) < 15, 15, // Option 1
Minute(:Timestamp) < 30, 30,
Minute(:Timestamp) < 45, 45,
Minute(:Timestamp) < 15, 0, // Option 2
Minute(:Timestamp) < 30, 15,
Minute(:Timestamp) < 45, 30,
0 < Minute(:Timestamp) <= 15, 15, // Option 3
15 < Minute(:Timestamp) <= 30, 30,
30 < Minute(:Timestamp) <= 45, 45,