I found my issue after a few weeks away to clear my head.
Here's an example snippet from my original script:
If( File Exists( path ), //Check file exits, import VFPD file
vfpdTable = Open( path, Import Settings( Data Starts( 5 ) ) );
Column( 1 ) << Data Type( Numeric ) << Modeling Type( "Continuous" ) << Set Name( "rowNoVFPD" );
Column( 2 ) << Set Name( "VFPD" );
New Column( "VFPDplus1", Numeric, Continuous, Formula (Lag(:VFPD,(-1)))); //Look at next row for interpolation after joining
Column( 3 ) << delete property(formula); //Copying formula causes issues when joining
My tables could exceed 500,000+ rows as they are large experimental data sets, so the formula had not finished calculating the results for the full column by the time I delete the formula property (a throw back to one of my original attempts to get the join to work), thus was not applying any of the formula results at all before joining. The same thing happened if I tried to join immediately after creating the new formula column.
I since changed the script to add a 1 second delay to let the formula calculate fully, and I can now join without issue. I hope this helps anyone else that comes across the same problem.
If( File Exists( path ), //Check file exits, import VFPD file
vfpdTable = Open( path, Import Settings( Data Starts( 5 ) ) );
Column( 1 ) << Data Type( Numeric ) << Modeling Type( "Continuous" ) << Set Name( "rowNoVFPD" );
Column( 2 ) << Set Name( "VFPD" );
New Column( "VFPDplus1", Numeric, Continuous, Formula (Lag(:VFPD,(-1)))); //Look at next row for interpolation after joining
Wait(1); //Necessary to stop deleting the formula before it's calculated the full column
Column( 3 ) << delete property(formula); //Copying formula causes issues when joining