I want to call a table which I am using in the current JSL script into another script, is there any way in which I can do that? I have attached snippet of the code, I want to use the dt1_Name (or dt) in another jsl script which I have linked to this script:
dt1_Name= Pick File(
"Select the JMP MasterFile",
{"JMP Files|jmp;jsl;jrn", "All Files|*"},
Show( dt1_Name );
dt = Open( dt1_Name );
Show( dt );
bwidth = 150;
dt << bring window to front;
box_win = New Window( "Select Columns",
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Select Columns", ColListData = Col List Box( dt, All, Grouped,width( bwidth ), nLines( 5 ) ) ),
V List Box(
Panel Box( "Case Selected Columns Into Roles",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Spacing( 3 ),
Button Box( "START DATE", colLista << Append( ColListData << Get Selected ) ),
ColLista = Col List Box( width( bwidth ), N Lines( 1 ), Max Items( 1 ), Min Items( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "END DATE", colListb << Append( ColListData << Get Selected ) ),
ColListb = Col List Box( width( bwidth ), N Lines( 1 ), Max Items( 1 ), Min Items( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "PAY DATE", colListc << Append( ColListData << Get Selected ) ),
ColListc = Col List Box( width( bwidth ), N Lines( 1 ), Max Items( 1 ), Min Items( 1 )),
Button Box( "STATUS", colListd << Append( ColListData << Get Selected ) ),
ColListd = Col List Box( width( bwidth ), N Lines( 1 ), Max Items( 1 ), Min Items( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "Remove",
ColLista << RemoveSelected;
ColListb << RemoveSelected;
ColListc << RemoveSelected;
Spacer Box()
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), Spacing( 0, 3 ),
Spacer Box( <<Set Auto Stretching( 1, 0 ) ),
Button Box( "OK",
acol = ColLista << Get Items;
As Column( acol ) << Set Name( "STARTDATE" );
bcol = ColListb << Get Items;
As Column( bcol ) << set name( "ENDDATE" );
ccol = ColListc << Get Items;
As Column( ccol ) << set name( "PAY DATE" );
dcol = ColListd << Get Items;
As Column( dcol ) << set name( "STATUS" );
box_win << Close Window;
Close( dt, Save );
Button Box( "Cancel", box_win << Close Window )