Hi and thanks for getting in touch with me.
I don't have OnClose scripts running. What I do have though are selection windows where the user can (or has to) select e.g. to only look at a specific product.
I just tried it and scripts that don't have the selection window seem to run fine. The selection box looks for example like below.
New Window( "OCS Scripts",
H List Box(
V List Box(
Text Box(
"Select product you want to create trend data",
<<Set Wrap( 300 ),
<<Set font size( 12 ),
<<font color( "dark green" ),
Text Box( "", <<Set Wrap( 300 ), <<Set font size( 10 ), <<font color( "dark red" ), ),
hb = H List Box(
pbFab = Panel Box( "Select your decision:",
cbf = Radio Box( {"Proda", "Prodb", "Prodc", "Product_Stats"} ),
), //end Hlist
Text Box( "", <<Set Wrap( 800 ), <<Set font size( 10 ), <<font color( "dark green" ) ),
Text Box( "", <<Set Wrap( 800 ), <<Set font size( 12 ), <<font color( "dark green" ) ),
V List Box( H List Box( Button Box( "OK", proceed = 1 ), Button Box( "Cancel", proceed = 0 ) ), ),
If( proceed == 0,
Caption( {300, 300}, "Script aborted", spoken( 0 ), Delayed( 0 ) );
Wait( 2 );
Caption( remove );
dbSelected = cbf << Get Selected;
Show( dbSelected );