Hi Jarmo, I tried calculating the spacerbox size also. However, given the Title Width can change ('Boilerplate Template' in this case) I need to take that into account. This involves knowing the number of characters in the title name as well as the font size and figuring out the width. I use a general Height to Width Ratio of .6 or 0.7 and it generally pushes the logo sufficiently to the right....but not 'cleanly' and consistently to the same spot and not 'Right' Aligned
It is however, good enough for a range of Title Widths.
I was hoping for a simpler set of 'Alignment' Options similar to those that exist in say CSS.
I'll also try Vince's Suggestion of using 'Valueless' Spacer Boxes to see how this works.
Thanks for the replies folks.
myToolWidth = 800;
myFontScale = 0.7;
myHeading1 = textBox(myScriptName, << fontColor("red"), << setFontSize(24), << setFontStyle("bold"), <<setWrap(myToolWidth));
myHeading1Width = length(myHeading1 << getText) * (myHeading1 << getFontSize) * myFontScale;
spacerBox(size((myToolWidth - (myHeading1Width + myLogoWidth)), 0)))
Examples of various Title Widths and Calculating the Sacerbox based on Font Size and Number of Characters in Title.