Updated code shown here, if the column type is not numeric or string, check until we get a non-missing value before determining the column type as character or numeric.
import jmp
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
def p2j(df):
dt2 = jmp.DataTable('dt2', df.shape[0])
# get the column names from the data frame
names = list(df.columns)
# loop across the columns of the data frame
for j in range( df.shape[1]):
# check if the coulumn data type is string or numeric
if is_numeric_dtype( df[ names[j] ] ):
dt2.new_column(names[j], jmp.DataType.Numeric)
dt2[j] = list(df.iloc[:,j]) # populate the JMP column with data
elif is_string_dtype( df[ names[j]] ):
dt2.new_column(names[j], jmp.DataType.Character)
dt2[j] = list(df.iloc[:,j]) # populate the JMP column with data
col = list()
dtype = None
for i in range(dt2.nrows):
cell_value = df.iloc[i,j]
# delay setting column type until we see first non-null value
if pd.isna( cell_value ):
if not dtype:
if is_numeric_dtype( cell_value ):
dtype = jmp.DataType.Numeric
# assume it's character - could be datetime64,...
dtype = jmp.DataType.Character
col.append( cell_value )
if dtype:
dt2.new_column(names[j], dtype)
dt2[j] = col # populate the JMP column with data
fname = r"export.csv";
df = pd.read_csv(jmp.HOME + 'Downloads/' + fname)
print( f'col1 is a string: {is_string_dtype(df[names[0]])}' )
print( f'col2 is a string: {is_string_dtype(df[names[1]])}' )
print( f'col3 is a string: {is_string_dtype(df[names[2]])}' )
filt_csv = p2j(df);
This gives the results:
col1 col2 col3
0 a b c
1 a b NaN
2 a b e
3 a b NaN
col1 object
col2 object
col3 object
dtype: object
col1 is a string: True
col2 is a string: True
col3 is a string: False
['c', None, 'e', None]
Notice in my function I converted the NaN which is numeric to None. The JMP DataTable code will accept None either in Numeric columns or Character columns and does the 'right' thing. By putting a NaN in a numeric column and "" empty string in a Character column.