If you have JMP16+ below is one option using Filter Each and checking if column only has missing values with IsMissing
Names Default To Here(1);
input_list = {"height", "Weight", "Age"};
dt = New Table("Untitled 6",
Add Rows(2),
Compress File When Saved(1),
New Column("_LimitsKey", Character, "Nominal", Set Values({"_UCL", "_LCL"})),
New Column("height", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Set Values([54, 72])),
New Column("Weight", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Set Values([80, 150])),
New Column("Age", Numeric, "Nominal", Format("", 16), Set Values([., .]))
new_list = Filter Each({list_val}, input_list,
found_values = Sum(!IsMissing(dt[0, list_val]));
found_values > 0;
Adding debug prints inside Filter Each might be helpful to understand what is going on. Such as
Show(dt[0, list_val]);
Show(IsMissing(dt[0, list_val]));
Show(!IsMissing(dt[0, list_val]));
There are also many other ways of doing this (like most of the time with jmp)